Sunday, August 26, 2012

Post-It Note Holders

Okay, I know I am nuts..two pinterest projects in a row but I am addicted! As many of you know, I am a Thirty-One consultant (love it) and as patterns come and go I always have left over fabric swatches. Tonight, I decided to try a project out with them. 

I took a 4 x 6 acrylic frame, some ribbon, and some flower embellishments I had laying around and a fabric swatch that has retired. I cut it out to measure 4 x 6 and I hot glued some ribbon to the top of it. I hot glued some flowers on the outside and stuck some post it notes on top and I have a super cute post it note holder for my desk!

This is one I did with scrapbook paper and some string

These are great for can attach a pen to it as well. I have lots of fabric swatches and would be willing to make some for you if you would like at $5 a holder. Contact me for pictures of swatches that I have if you are interested!

Cookie Sheet turned into a Magnetic Board

Another Pinterest project! It is a cookie sheet turned into a magnetic board for a kitchen or anywhere in the house! 

What you need:

Any size cookie sheet (needs to be flat) Found mine at Walmart for $8.00 and you get two!
At least a 1/2 yard of fabric (YOUR CHOICE)
Hot glue gun
Ribbon if you would like it

First Step:
Center the cookie sheet on your fabric and cut your fabric so that you do not have a lot of excess fabric on the sides. This will help when folding the fabric around the cookie sheet tight.

Second Step: Hot glue along the edge

Fold up your fabric and carefully make sure the fabric is secure with the hot glue.

Do the same to the top

On the sides, fold them in as if you were wrapping a present. Where the corners are folded over I put hot glue to hold it together so it would be easier for me to fold.

Put hot glue on the cookie sheet and fold up the sides..once again carefully make sure the fabric is secure with the hot glue.

 Flip it over and there you are!

I created a ribbon and hot glued it to the fabric. The magnets that you see I had laying around ( I didn't make them :) )

Please leave some feedback or ideas on how to use this elsewhere!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

No Sew Braided Fleece Blanket

The past few days I have been searching around for an easy no sew blanket to make for the spare bedroom in Cody's house since he is starting to furnish it for guests. I have seen the fleece tie blankets and think that they are cute but whilel I was searching Pinterest I found an even better idea. Thank you to Helping Little Hands

Today I went to JoAnn's to purchase a nice fleece pattern and was able to stumble upon a great deal on fleece. I decided that I would want the blanket to be able to be used in Fall, Winter, Spring, and cold Summer nights. Therefore, I was only going to use one piece or fabric rather than two to make it a bit thinner. 

Items needed for project:

-2 yards of fabric
-Cutting mat
-All Purpose Cutting Roller
-Size J crocheting needle

Before anything cut the annoying and ugly edging off of the fabric.

 Second, on each corner of the fabric cut out 2 x 2 squares

I then used masking tape from one end to the other to ensure a straight line and to help with cutting one inch wide, and two inch deep strips.

To cut the one inch strips I laid the fabric (which is folded in half so you can do twice the amount in one sitting) and I using the rotary cutter at every inch mark all the way until the end of the fabric. ONLY cut up to the tape as that is two inches. 

This is a picture of the strips cut every inch.

Once all of the strips have been cut, go through and cut a slit into each strip. This works best by folding the strip at the bottom and cutting a little slit. Having the slit at the bottom of the strips makes a better looking braid.

Here comes the braiding! Take one strip and take the one to the left of it. Take the one to the left and slip it through the slit.

This is the strip to the left pulled through. Now, you can use the J crochet hook or your fingers. I found for myself the fingers were the easiest and fastest and good for fine motor skills :) (sorry, that's the teacher in me)

Now that a strip is through a slit, take the strip that you pulled through and the strip to the left of it and do the same.

Strip #2 pulled through. Now just repeat..

And a line of braiding along the edge!

When you get to the corners do the same thing you've been doing and the corner will wrap around naturally.

Once you come back to where you started and have one strip left you need to cut it in half.

Take one of the "half strips" and pull it through the last strip that was pulled through before you came upon the last strip.

Take the "half strip" that is left on the right side and put it through the slit of the beginning of the braid.

Take the two ends and tie them together to make a knot.

  And you are finished!